Sunday, December 2, 2012

Malala Yousafzai

There are many situations throughout the world that include girls and education. What I’m trying to say is that in rundown countries, where the government has taken over and has massive loads of power, girls aren’t allowed to be educated and go to school. Malala a pakistani girl, is fighting for the right for all girls to be educated in Pakistan.  She started out with a blog talking about the government which then led to a Taliban attack. Malala was then shot in the neck and is currently healing. I believe everybody should have the right to education even if they don’t have money. There are schools out there that are run by volunteers and there should be more of those.

Girls education is what Malala is fighting for. She is fighting because everyone should have the right to knowledge and understanding so they will become more successful in life.By Creating a blog and expressing Malala’s feelings and thoughts, word spread that she was fighting for girl’s rights to education which was giving most of the girls hope and that someday they would finally have the right to education. Early in 2009, Malala started a blog that talked about the Taliban rule and how it affected people (especially girls) in Pakistan. Malala then began to rise as she was continuously interviewed on television.“I don’t mind if I have to sit on the floor at school. All I want is education. And I am afraid of no one.”- Malala Yousafzai

Malala was nominated for the International Children’s Peace Prize and was the first one to win Pakistan’s National Youth Peace Prize. This shows girls/women that there is hope and there are people out there like Malala who will fight and never give up to achieve what they believe is right.

Malala has gained knowledge and she is well known. This will give the girls hope as she is currently fighting for girls education. The canadian ministership are supporting a petition to nominate Malala for the Nobel Peace Prize. This shows the girls out there especially in Pakistan that education is what everybody has the right to because nobody has the right to eliminate one's knowledge and understanding. I have talked about how Malala created a blog talking about the rules of the Taliban and how she has given hope to those in need of it. Next, I will be talking about the banning and destruction of schools.

After the Taliban heard about Malala and her blog, they started destroying schools and banning everybody from going to them. During the period of the Taliban destroying schools, one day coming home from school, Malala saw them destroy 5 schools near her house and she stated on her blog, "Five more schools have been destroyed, one of them was near my house. I am quite surprised, because these schools were closed so why did they also need to be destroyed"? Malala did not stop thinking about her education and she wrote on her blog, "Our annual exams are due after the vacations but this will only be possible if the Taliban allow girls to go to school. We were told to prepare certain chapters for the exam but I do not feel like studying." This shows that Malala was continuously thinking about her education and she was also questioning the Taliban about destroying schools that weren't even active. On the 28th of January, Malala traveled with her family to Islamabad which was near the city. It was the first time she had been to the city and she could not help but make comparisons to her "Swat Town". "It is my first visit to the city. It's beautiful with nice bungalows and wide roads. But as compared to my Swat City it lacks natural beauty". This shows that even though Malala does not have an easy life and has to fight back, she still appreciates the natural beauty of her country and despite the rundown look of it, she loves it very much.

After all the interviews, Malala was well known which then brought the problem to the Taliban. They did not like Malala and what she had posted on her blog which lead to a Taliban Attack on Malala. On October 9th 2012, during the Taliban attack, Malala was shot in the head and neck which was supposed to be an assassination while Malala was returning home from school in a bus. Malala remained in critical condition several days after the attack. She was then sent to the United Kingdom for intensive rehabilitation. The Taliban did not just intend on killing Malala, but her father Ziauddin too! Did Malala survive? Yes it was very brutal Malala was in good enough condition to be sent to the United Kingdom for intensive care. Despite the fact that Malala was shot, this brought awareness to everybody. Soon enough, the world knew about Malala and what she was doing. Liek I said before, this gives women even more hope that someday they will be educated. Malala demanded that all children would be in school by the year 2015. She is in the hall of fame and has given hope for those children who still suffer under the control and power of their government. Because of all the danger and risks Malala has taken, and all that she has done, according the the UN secretary general Ban Ki Moon, November 10th will be announced as "Malala Day".

I have talked about the banning of schools, Malala being shot and her blog which talked about the Taliban Rule and what was happening in Pakistan. This shows that even though one girl was under the control of the Taliban, she still managed to fight for her rights and other's too. So what do you think? Will all children be in school by the year 2015?

Monday, October 29, 2012

Kesz International Peace Prize 2012 Winner

The international peace prize winner of 2012 is Kesz from the Phillipines. Kesz grew up being less fortunate that most children. He got beaten at home then ran away to a dumpsite and didn’t get rescued until the age of four. Today, Kesz gives love and hope to those who were just like him, less fortunate. He also helps with hygeine and shows children that “our health is our wealth”.

Kesz demonstrates love and hope towards the less fortunate hoping that one day they will  take what they know and help others.Now, I stand before you, as an advocate of better health for street kids and as a herald of children’s rights. Yes, I am young but I have a firm purpose to help make things better for generations to come.” This shows that Kesz is willing to help others and he has a firm purpose too. He knows what it feels like to be in that situation and is willing to help. Kesz is young and has come from very little but still, he strives to achieve his goal of teaching others about hygeine and how to live. He is one of the few left out there who understands at a very young age. He knows what is right and what is wrong. He knows why and has ideas on how to make it better. Kesz shows that even a little bit can go a long ways.“My message to all children here and around the globe is; our health is our wealth! Being healthy will enable you to play, to think clearly, to get up and go to school and love the people around you in so many ways.” Kesz knows about hygeine and what it can do if not treated correctly. Kesz wants to teach the children about cleansiness so that they will live a longer and hopefully a happier life. Kesz demonstrates the understanding of cleansiness and hygiene therefore he has the power, knowledge and education to teach others and educate them. Kesz’s life before he was rescued showed that he lived in a dump and has been in that situation before and knows what it feels like; all the burns and all the food. Something no child should ever feel.

Next, I am going to show how Kesz is an excellent leader and role model towards the younger and less fortunate. He demonstrates hope and friendship to the less fortunate as he knows he has once been in that situation and he knows how it feels. Kesz is one of the few who is willing to stand up and present his ideas and knowledge towards those who need it the most. As well as knowledge, the children get a feeling of what hope feels like and Kesz hopes that that feeling will stay in their hearts forever. Kesz is an excellent leader and role model because he demonstrates the good characteristics opof a nice and thoughtful human being. This is shown because by giving away presents, Kesz is showing love and he is giving them hope. Therefore he strives to teach them about health and what they need to do in order to stay healthy. Kesz also strives to teach them about how giving hope, even if it’s a tiny thing, it could go a long way and also Kesz hopes that they will take that information and do what Kesz is doing, help the less fortunate. Kesz demonstrates leadership by showing love and hope towards the less fortunate. Even though Kesz grew up in a home where he got beaten then later ran and lived in a dumpsite, he knows about hope and he knows what is happening is wrong. Kesz demonstrates love and leadership to the less fortunate and hopes that one day they will take what they know and pass it on to future generations.

Ever since Kesz was rescued and brought to a new home and raised, he has had this will to strive and help others. The education and hygeine Kesz teaches the street children, allows them to have more hope and live a healthier life. The 2012 Annual Children’s Peace Prize definitely goes to Kesz and he was the right choice for The Annual Children’s Peace Prize. From this, we now know what Kesz has inside of him and all the hope and health he has given to the less fortunate enables them to keep that knowledge and hopefully do what Kesz wants. To pass it down to future generations.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Where I'm From

Where I’m From

I’m from chinese food
Din tai fung and fried rice,
I’m from hotdogs, burgers and fries,
from the fastfood restaurants in America,
I’m from fish and chips, steak, and salad,
from the formal restaurants, Hilton, LeMeridean

I’m from Spongebob Squarepants,
from america’s got talent, community
I’m from ROFL, Texting
and klsjdflkjdslfksd DUBSTEP
I’m from Maroon 5, The Black Keys,
to Eminem and Skrillex,
I’m from sports,
Soccer, Chelsea, the best of the best

I’m from the buildings of KL,
from KLCC and Pavilion
I’m from the flat tar,
to the hills and countryside in Wisconsin,
I’m from the noisy cars,
from the crowded and busy city KL,
I’m from the hot and humid,
to the cold and freezing,

I am from the love of my family,

I’m from the pictures in my bedroom,
from my grandpa, grandma,
I’m from all the good times with my parents, my sister
from the soccer game, the theme park
I’m from that teacher in second grade,
the one who told me I spelt “four” wrong,
I’m from Captain America, Batman,
from the Avengers, Justice League,
That’s where I’m from

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

My Black Messiah

My Black Messiah, by Sonia Weitz

A black GI stood by the door
(I never saw a black before)
He’ll set me free before I die,
I thought, he must be the Messiah.

A black Messiah came for me . . .
He stared with eyes that didn’t see,
He never heard a single word
Which hung absurd upon my tongue.

And then he simply froze in place
The shock, the horror on his face,
He didn’t weep, he didn’t cry

But deep within his gentle eyes
. . . A flood of devastating pain,
his innocence forever slain.

For me, with yet another dawn
I found my black Messiah gone
And on we went our separate ways
For many years without a trace.

But there’s a special bond we share
Which has grown strong because we dare
To live, to hope, to smile . . . and yet
We vow not ever to forget.

To me, this poem represents sadness and hope. I say it represents sadness because in stansa 5, she says that she's met the Messiah but then, he's gone. Also I say hope because in the last stansa, she says that she shares a special bond and that is to live to hope and to smile. I find that Sonya still has hope because she is standing up for herself and is not giving up. She's saying that everybody has the right to live their lives no matter what race, skin color or gender. She also vows to never forget that moment she lived to live, to hope and to smile.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Victim Options

Some people say that what makes a person a victim is they have limited or no options about how to act.

My opinion is that I sort of agree because not all situations are the same. Someone in class said that they had many options when their situation happened but while she said that, I was thinking in my head about my situation. My situation is that a long time ago, I had a friend who used to push me around and annoy me. He did that every single day and he never stopped. He would cheat in games, get me in trouble, blame me for everything and he always got away with it. One day, I had enough, I told him if he ever did something like that again, I promise you will get suspended for at least a day. And sure enough, he did something like that again and I thought to myself what should I do? Get him back for what he's done or tell an adult/teacher. I chose to tell the counsellor because I knew if I tried to get him back, this will keep on going on and going on. I went and told the counsellor and she said she will talk to him and to tell her if he did anything like that ever again. I thanked the counsellor for her advice and concern and continued my lunch.

The next day, I came to school and my friend had been talked to by the counsellor and he was very angry. He was so angry that he threatened me. As soon as he did that, I walked into the counselling office and told her. She then came very angrily outside and pulled him into her office. When he came out, he said that he was very sorry and he was going home for a couple of days. This proves that sometimes victims have many options but sometimes they also have 2 options. Those are some things that I think about Victim's options.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Eternal Jew

When I first looked at the picture, I saw that the person in the picture was a Jew. An ugly Jew. When I saw this, I felt really bad for the Jews because thats not what they really look like. They Germans are only trying to make people think that the Jews are ugly and dirty and they are responsible for every bad thing that has happened in Germany. Another thing that made me feel bad was the title. The title was "The Internal Jew" and that just made me feel really bad. I also saw that in the picture, it shows that the Jew has stolen money from the German bank and they are to be put in concentration camps and they are also to be put into labor.

The coat that the Jew was wearing looked really nice so what I thought was that the Jew either stole it from a German or he used the money that was stolen to buy a really nice coat. Another thing that I saw was the stone that was in his left arm. That stone had a communist sign on it and I also realized it was in the shape of Germany. What I think this symbolizes is that the Jews are stealing Germany's money, and Germany itself. I think this because the stone is in the Jew's arm and it represents stealing. Those are some things I saw and what I think it symbolized.