Thursday, February 10, 2011

I think Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs created monuments because after they die they want their family to be able to look up to them. Also I think they created monuments because after they die, they want to be known. Sometimes they create monuments because they believe that it will protect their tomb or wherever the pharaohs place the monument. Some Pharaohs had a very short time period of life so they were not able to make huge monuments but they were able to make small monuments that they believed would protect their tomb and the pharaoh in it's afterlife.

Some of the monuments that I think were like the Ancient Egyptians' were the Twin Towers. I chose that one because like I said in the paragraph above, some people make monuments so that they can be well known for what they have done. Another monument I chose was the statue of Liberty. When the U.S. would go out onto the sea and trade with other countries around the world, they would eventually come back and when they come back to the New York Harbor, they see the statue of Liberty and I think that every time they see it, it makes them feel welcomed and safe because they are back home. Another reason I chose it is because they were given the statue of liberty by France to celebrate America's first 100 years as a nation.

Google Docs helped me and Michelle a lot because we were able to chat on panther apps and then we were able to work together and send messages throughout our work because one of us made the document and shared it with the other person. This let us work together and it also helped because if we didn't finish it in class, then we were able to do it for homework. That was how Google Docs helped Michelle and I.

The challenging part for us was the imovie. It was the most challenging part for us because we weren't exactly experts at it. We have used it in third, fourth and fifth grade but when it got down to sixth grade it was really hard for us. It was hard because when we put in a picture and wanted to set it for a time like 5 seconds then they would all be five seconds. If we made one picture 25 seconds then they would all turn 25 seconds. Finally in the end we got the help of Ms. Narsiman. She helped us with the buttons and all we had to do was when we set the number of seconds we had to click "do not apply this for other images". After we had that sorted out we were all right. That was the challenging part for Michelle and I.

What I learned from this assignment is that sometimes while we were working Michelle and I would have fights because we wouldn't agree on something. That was because Michelle was a logic person and I was a gestalt. A logic person is a person that likes to have things written down so that they know what is going to happen. A gestalt person is a person that doesn't like bullet notes and wants to know the big picture. They are also really creative but on the other hand Logic people like to put a lot of information down and often aren't very creative and gestalt people are really creative but when they get too creative then they often forget about the important part which is the information. Sometimes it is good to put two different types of people together because then the piece of work won't be too artistic or there wouldn't be too much information. Sometimes it doesn't work out though. That is pretty much what I have learned from this assignment.