Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Learning profiles- How do I learn best?

 These days in class Mr. Whiting has been coming in and talking to us about learning profiles and how they show us where we work better and how we work better. We have been testing our brain, ear, hand and leg to see if we are the right or left side of the brain, ear, hand, and the leg. We tested our hands by having someone drop a pen and whichever hand came up it showed which side we were. For the eye we had to focus on one thing and when we closed an eye and we could see then with the other eye we couldn't then it meant we were the eye that we could see with. Now more about me and how I learn best. I learn best when I am by my humanities teacher's  cupboard at the front because on my profile it says that I am left eared and when Mrs. Narsiman is talking if I am not in the right place I have to turn my chair and sometimes in other rooms there isn't that much space by that part in the room and it gets really annoying because sometimes the teachers are annoyed and then when I don't concentrate I start talking to other people and then they get annoyed and then I get my friends in trouble and I get in trouble too. I don't really agree with this sheet of paper about what foot I use often because in soccer I use both feet but mostly my right. I do agree but not fully because the first time I tried the experiment to see which leg I used the most, the first time I landed on my left but then the second time I landed on my right. The next time I landed on my right so that is why I filled it out as right leg. Also sometimes when you are in the classroom with all the lights on and there is a white board right in front of you, sometimes you can't see because the light reflects of the white board and it blocks your vision. I have had that happen to me sometimes in band last year and when our band teacher was writing about our instrument or about the piece of music we had I would always struggle and move around and look to the left and stuff like that because it was really hard for me to see. I was often asking the people beside me what he was writing because I was right in front of the white board and I couldn't see because of the reflection.

  If I am not sitting in the right spot or something is wrong then I need to tell the teacher and why and if she still doesn't believe me I can take that sheet to her and explain why I need to move in order to get a better grade if my grades are down or if I can't see and then she asks me a question and then I just sit there like I wasn't paying any attention.

Some things that would help me learn are if I have friends or best friends in my class to not sit right next to them because if we became best friends we probably like talk or do funny things or something like that and if we've done that as long as we have had each other we probably would do it in class and stuff like that. Also if I am sitting by someone who likes to fidget or talk to me, I will try to move because I don't want to be distracted because if there was a test today and it was worth a lot of points and it could get my grade up from an A to an A+ than I would try my hardest to move and to listen although the guy I'm sitting next to will be talking to me because some people would just leave the test and sometimes say whatever because it goes from an A to an A+ but I would want an A+ as my final grade because if there was another test and I got a no pass on that one it would put me down to a B+ instead of a normal B. Those are some of the things that can help me learn throughout the year and maybe even throughout my lifetime. But don't mistake avoiding your friends in class with avoiding your friends forever because if you avoid them like in the mornings or after school they might think they have done something wrong and then they will feel bad. 

I would like my teachers to know this about me so that if I ever have really bad grades in one of my subjects this could help me. Also so that if I happen to move and forget to tell my teacher she will know why I moved. If my teacher didn't know this about me she wouldn't let me move and then I would be stuck there and if you are somebody who likes to talk but that's not the thing holding you back, then the teacher will think that you are a bad student because you are talking a lot and she will think that is why you have a really bad grade. This is why I want my teachers to know this about me.

1 comment:

  1. Nice Norman, but I think you should put your picture at the bottom. NOTE: THIS IS ONLY SOMETHING I THINK IT LOOKS GOOD. IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT, DON'T CHANGE IT!
