Wednesday, February 29, 2012

My Black Messiah

My Black Messiah, by Sonia Weitz

A black GI stood by the door
(I never saw a black before)
He’ll set me free before I die,
I thought, he must be the Messiah.

A black Messiah came for me . . .
He stared with eyes that didn’t see,
He never heard a single word
Which hung absurd upon my tongue.

And then he simply froze in place
The shock, the horror on his face,
He didn’t weep, he didn’t cry

But deep within his gentle eyes
. . . A flood of devastating pain,
his innocence forever slain.

For me, with yet another dawn
I found my black Messiah gone
And on we went our separate ways
For many years without a trace.

But there’s a special bond we share
Which has grown strong because we dare
To live, to hope, to smile . . . and yet
We vow not ever to forget.

To me, this poem represents sadness and hope. I say it represents sadness because in stansa 5, she says that she's met the Messiah but then, he's gone. Also I say hope because in the last stansa, she says that she shares a special bond and that is to live to hope and to smile. I find that Sonya still has hope because she is standing up for herself and is not giving up. She's saying that everybody has the right to live their lives no matter what race, skin color or gender. She also vows to never forget that moment she lived to live, to hope and to smile.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Victim Options

Some people say that what makes a person a victim is they have limited or no options about how to act.

My opinion is that I sort of agree because not all situations are the same. Someone in class said that they had many options when their situation happened but while she said that, I was thinking in my head about my situation. My situation is that a long time ago, I had a friend who used to push me around and annoy me. He did that every single day and he never stopped. He would cheat in games, get me in trouble, blame me for everything and he always got away with it. One day, I had enough, I told him if he ever did something like that again, I promise you will get suspended for at least a day. And sure enough, he did something like that again and I thought to myself what should I do? Get him back for what he's done or tell an adult/teacher. I chose to tell the counsellor because I knew if I tried to get him back, this will keep on going on and going on. I went and told the counsellor and she said she will talk to him and to tell her if he did anything like that ever again. I thanked the counsellor for her advice and concern and continued my lunch.

The next day, I came to school and my friend had been talked to by the counsellor and he was very angry. He was so angry that he threatened me. As soon as he did that, I walked into the counselling office and told her. She then came very angrily outside and pulled him into her office. When he came out, he said that he was very sorry and he was going home for a couple of days. This proves that sometimes victims have many options but sometimes they also have 2 options. Those are some things that I think about Victim's options.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Eternal Jew

When I first looked at the picture, I saw that the person in the picture was a Jew. An ugly Jew. When I saw this, I felt really bad for the Jews because thats not what they really look like. They Germans are only trying to make people think that the Jews are ugly and dirty and they are responsible for every bad thing that has happened in Germany. Another thing that made me feel bad was the title. The title was "The Internal Jew" and that just made me feel really bad. I also saw that in the picture, it shows that the Jew has stolen money from the German bank and they are to be put in concentration camps and they are also to be put into labor.

The coat that the Jew was wearing looked really nice so what I thought was that the Jew either stole it from a German or he used the money that was stolen to buy a really nice coat. Another thing that I saw was the stone that was in his left arm. That stone had a communist sign on it and I also realized it was in the shape of Germany. What I think this symbolizes is that the Jews are stealing Germany's money, and Germany itself. I think this because the stone is in the Jew's arm and it represents stealing. Those are some things I saw and what I think it symbolized.