Monday, September 20, 2010

Courage Connections

My friends and I just finished playing British Bulldogs and we were walking back to our lockers when we found an alley that was almost pitch black and inside that alley we heard someone tripping and crying. We found that there was someone in the alley that had gotten hit by someone really hard and she was bleeding. At first my friend's and I wanted to help but right when we were about to talk to her we saw someone behind her and then we all wondered what to do and what the person behind her was doing. So we all wanted to go back in there but then we thought about our safety and we shivered as we thought about what would happen to us if we went back in there. This was one of the times in my life when I felt that I really should of told someone but if I did and the bully found out I would be in a lot of danger.

Another time when I saw bullying and I wanted to help but I couldn't was when I saw a friend of mine being dragged behind the basketball court and so I followed them without them knowing and I saw something. I saw a bunch of girls there too. I remembered a couple of days ago my friend told me a secret and it was about this girl that he really liked and as soon as my thought drifted away I saw him admit right in her face that he really liked her. I really felt like going up to the people who dragged my friend and saying why don't you go up to someone you really like and tell them you like them and see how you feel because I was really annoyed about the fact that he had forced my friend to let out one of his biggest secrets. When he was done telling the person that he liked her his face turned bright red and I felt really sorry for him.

Next time if something like that happens again I would go and help the person that is being bullied. If I tell them to stop and they don't I would probably go tell someone that could handle the situation or maybe someone I feel that could really help and stop the situation right there and now.

Two goals that I have is to tell the newcomers that they shouldn't be scared of the people that are in higher grades than they are because one thing is that they actually never do anything to you although they are tall and huge and the second thing is that if they do they would either get kicked out of school or suspended. Also another goal I have is that whenever I get bullied or see someone else get bullied I should go and tell a teacher and not fight back because fighting isn't going to solve the problem.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

A Time When I Showed Courage

Everybody thinks of courage in different ways. Courage could be facing your fears or accomplishing something amazing and there are many other ways to think of it to. I think of it as facing your fears. Everyone has had a chance or has shown courage in their lifetime. My family and I were in singapore for a baseball tournament and this was our last game of the day.

We got to be in the field first and the other team got to bat. Out of my team (which was 9 people) I got the best field position which was shortstop. Shortstop was the best position because you got to call out all the plays and mostly all the baseballs go in that direction. I like baseball to be hit to me but I dont like them to hit me. Finally the last batter on their team was up. Our pitcher pitched the ball and he hit it straight at me! It was a line drive which ment it was aiming at my chest and right before I caught it it bounced and hit me in the stomach! It really hurt but at least I got the batter out and it was our turn to bat.

Now it was our turn to bat. This tournament was only supposed to be for children ages 10-12 but their pitcher was 15 years old and pitched 90 miles per hour! All my friends hit the ball and either got a single or a double. They would also always eventually get to home base. Finally the second last batter Caleb batted and got a single. As I stepped up to home plate my legs were shaking like I was freezing cold. As I got ready I thought in my mind if we were the last to bat, we were tied and I hit the ball all we had to do was run home. So two strikes had gone by. This was the last pitch. As the pitcher wound up I got ready to swing and BAM! I hit the ball to hard and in the wrong place so it really hurt my hand but we won the game!

As the game ended everybody started throwing me up in the air like I hit a home run or something but in the end I learned a really big lesson. The lesson was that unless it is something dangerous or that could kill you don't back out. I was really proud of myself but at the same time I learned a really big lesson thanks to the pitcher that was 15 years old.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

How Did Early Humans Use Art To Express Their Prehistoric Culture?

A couple of days ago my group and I were assigned to a cave painting and we presented to the class what the painting meant. Our painting was a very precise and detailed painting and in that painting there was a chest and animals running away from something. Their drawings come in different sizes and very detailed. I think they are very detailed because the early humans wanted to explain very clearly to people how they lived their lives during those days.

Next, early humans draw with mostly brown and black and sometimes grey. I think that is because in those days the only tools they had for painting were rocks and tools they made themselves with were from rocks and sticks. Lets say they had dark clouds and some brown land,  they would color the land brown and the clouds black. I especially think that the early humans are very precise and they want people to know exactly what had happened.

Last but not least, early humans use art to express their culture by drawing different pictures and different symbols. The thing that catches my eye the most is if they draw something really unrealistic but its not always unrealistic, sometimes it's the opposite. In my group's painting there was a chest that was left behind and around it were bison and other animals so we think that what the early human is trying to say is that there was a tribe before and the animals were running away and that forced the tribe that was there to run and they lost a chest. Now you know that you should always look at the painting and ask your group " what is the early human trying to tell us"?