Monday, January 10, 2011

Winter Break Vacation

This year one of my goals is to get either a's or b's in all classes because I find that if I have good grades now it will lead to a good future because you gain all your knowledge in elementary, middle, and high school and then when you get to university or college you need to know things otherwise you pay all that money for nothing. If you get kicked out of university or college you don't get good jobs and when you don't have good jobs you don't get money and you end up living in the streets. If you do learn when you're in school and you are finished with college you can go on and get a master's degree. Then you can become a doctor or a teacher and you earn a lot of money.

My other goal for this year is to help the some of the new kids because when they get to know the place a bit more they are basically your friend because you have helped them know the school and know different people and if you lose some of your friends at least you have made new ones and if they are from different places you might learn about them and their country and you could maybe try a new sport or something and it could be one of your new hobbies. Also if you are not so sure about a class or they are not so sure you can help them out because you have spent so much time with them and you don't like to do something and cannot be convinced to do it. Lets say reading isn't the thing you enjoy the most,  and your friend has some really good books they can help you out. Those are the two New year's resolutions for this year.

I spent most of my holiday in Bali but some of it in Port Dickson near the beach and the rest in Malaysia. I was in Port Dickson with a friend and his family and I was with my family. As you can see my break didn't have snow included. It took us an hour to get down in a mini van. It wasn't very miniature because about 8 people fit in. While my friend and I were in the back and our parents were talking and talking and talking until we got there. It was really boring because we had nothing to be entertained by and our parents were talking 24/7. There were several times when my friend and I fell thought that we were there because there were signs that said "Avillion" and since that was the name of the place we were staying at, we thought we were there. We finally got there and we were about to check in and we saw someone that looked like a friend but it turned out to be some other guy from Sweden. So we got our bags and went to our room and my friend and I checked out the place and it was really cool but what was really scary was that when you were showering and after you are done, the place where you hang your towels up was right above the ocean and if you drop something in there, you are never going to get it back. We always dropped things so we decided to hang all our wet stuff outside the room on the balcony.

After a while we looked out the window and saw jet skiing and banana boating. We grabbed some money and headed over to the beach. This was my first time jet skiing so I had a guy on the back and he was only on for about 2 minutes to show me all the controls and stuff so when we were out in the middle we started jumping over waves and all that. It was kind of scary but it was so fun that I didn't think about if I would die and get wept by the waves or anything bad. After that we drove slowly back into the middle and the fun thing about stopping is that the engine stops and then the waves behind you push you and it feels like you are going to fall. Then we told the guy we wanted to go banana boating and we wanted him to tip us over but only at the end so we drove around the island and came back. The guy told us to put our hands up and then he suddenly turned and we fell off. It really hurt though because my friend was behind me and when we fell he fell on me and the person behind him fell on him. So that was the bad thing about getting tipped over. Well then we walked back and figured out that it was time for dinner and that was basically the end of my first day there. After a couples nights of swimming at the beach and hanging around the fourth day we were there we rented a room for karaoke. Not saying that we were good singers but we rented it just for fun. It was really fun that night but we had to make it quick because the next day we were leaving. We woke up the next day in our beds, forgotten how we had gotten there. The other thing we realized was that our parents were gone and that they were already checking out! They left us a note saying come to the lobby as soon as you get up. We have taken all your stuff so don't worry about that. We were out in about 5 minutes. As we rushed to the car, we were running and I burned my leg on the exhaust. It didn't hurt that much but it did leave a mark. We were on our way back to Kuala Lumpur. That was where I spent some of my holiday over the winter break.

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