Sunday, May 22, 2011

The End Is Near

1) The piece of work that I am most proud of is the one literature circle that I got an A+ on. I am most proud of that because at the start of the year, I would get b's and c's on them and then in the middle of the year, I started getting a's on them and that lasted until now. Even though in fifth grade we did lit circles, you only had to do one part of a lit. circle. At the start of 6th grade, we had to do a full lit. circle and then later in the year, we had to do double that. Those are some reasons why that is the piece of work that i am most proud of.

2) One of my greatest challenges this year was just to fit in. It was one of my challenges because the whole "middle school" thing was really different than elementary. After watching some movies about middle school, I've seen that the high schoolers bully the younger people and in my case, I am one of those "younger people". Another challenge for me this year was the homework. In fifth grade, every friday we didn't have homework. Also we always thought we had a lot of homework but come to think of it now, it's nothing compared to sixth grade homework. My final challenge this year is math. When I first started math at ISKL in third grade, I actually enjoyed math. As I kept on moving up to higher grades, I started loosing interest because we learned harder things and I just didn't like it. That is why this year, I didn't do very well in math. Those were some of my challenges for this year.

3) Throughout this year, I have learned many different things about myself. A few weeks ago, Mr. Whighting came in and told us about learning profiles. After doing a couple of tests with my hands, legs, eyes and ears, I found out that my letter for profiling was "I". "I" mean that I was a gestalt learner and I had to sit in a certain place in the class in order for me to learn best. So I did. I found that I learned way better. I payed attention more because the ear that I liked to use best was facing the teacher. Those are some things that I have learned about myself throughout sixth grade.

4) To evaluate your work habits, choose 1 of the following from each category ( and provide explanations):

a) Behavior

Could be improved
Perfect - the model student

Explanation: I chose satisfactory because although I do well in some of my other classes, occasionally I fool around in Humanities and Math and Science.

b) Participation

Actively participate in class

Explanation: I chose the following because in class, I always participate and if I don't know something or I am confused, I ask questions.

c) Organization

Needs serious help
I'm super organized

I chose satisfactory because most of the time my organization is good but sometimes I loose permission slips and turn my homework in about a day late.

d) Effort

Needs serious help
I always go above and beyond what is required.

I chose satisfactory because most of the time when we are required to do something, I meet the grade level standard and about 1/10 times, I go above and beyond.

One goal I have for 7th grade next year is to always listen in class. I chose that as one of my goals because I find that when I don't listen and talk to my friends, I miss out on some information and later on during the class, I don't know what to do. That will really help me next year because sometimes I don't understand things and I think that is because I miss out on information and then when you have questions that you answer, I don't know what to write. Those are some reasons why I chose that as one of my goals for grade seven.

Another goal I have for grade seven is to go above and beyond. I want to go above and beyond for some of my pieces of work because I find that sometimes, even if I do what I'm supposed to, I don't get an A+. Sometimes that is because I have missed out some information or some dumb error like that. I find that if I go above and beyond, I will have a higher chance of getting 100/100 because if I miss out on something, I will have some back up information. Those are some reasons why I chose that goal for grade seven.

One piece of information I have for the class of 2018 is to not leave all your homework until the very last minute because then your work will keep on building up and building up and then you have to do all of it at the very last moment. Unless you are a super A+ student, you can't leave it until the last moment because then you become stressed and you do a very bad job. That is one piece of advice I have for the upcoming sixth graders.

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