Monday, September 12, 2011

My name-Norman

It means Northman, which refers to a viking. It is from an old Germanic name. Throughout my whole life, I have never wanted to change my name because since I was little, I asked my mom what Norman meant and she said that it meant viking so ever since that time, I have loved my name. If I did want to change my name, I would change it to Jamie because I think it is a cool name. I have had a nickname and only my sister calls me by it. She calls me “Abang” because in Malay, “Abang”, means big brother so that is why she calls me that. I have been teased about my name when a friend of mine called me “Norman the doorman” and that made me really mad and he would not stop, so everyday he would come up to me and call me that. I said ok fine, he is calling me that so I shall call him Spongebob Squarehead. I did not want to be mean or anything but because he made me mad and would not stop, I called him that.

Before I was born, my mom and dad were expecting a girl because that is what the doctor said so they were coming up with names and my mom said that I would be called Jane then my dad said no because he wanted me to be called Harley. He wanted me to be called Harley because he loves Harley Davidson motorbikes and I have been riding with him ever since I was three. When I was born though, I turned out to be a boy so my mom and dad were like “uh,oh”, so they decided to name me Norman because that was my great grandfather’s name.

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