Saturday, October 30, 2010

Papa New Guinea, New Zealand And Australia

Why is New Zealand and Australia wealthier and more technologically advanced then Papa New Guinea? Even though Papa New Guinea is located in the same region as N.Z. and Australia, Papa New Guineans are planters and hunters. In order to survive they have to work really hard on hunting and gathering so that they can survive. They also live in a whole different environment than N.Z. and Australia.

N.Z. and Australia had people coming in from Europe. When those people came in they would bring some of their everyday supplies and they would start a whole new life there. At that time Europe was already wealthy and  had discovered technology. Most of the people in Europe had at least one type of object that included tech. Then trade came in. Sometimes the Kiwis and Australians  would trade some of their everyday life supplies for something that included tech.

Papa New Guineans didn't have people coming in to their country because they lived in the jungle. Also they had a less healthy lifestyle because they lived in the jungle and there are not many animals. Also they could be easily injured because their shelters would be made of bamboo and leaves. Animals could easily come and attack if they picked a wrong place to live. This is why Kiwis and Australians are wealthier and more technologically advanced.

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