Monday, March 7, 2011

The Giver

Would you want your future to be decided by others? Why or Why Not?

I would not want my future to be decided by others. I don't want it to be chosen by others because if they choose something for me that I don't want and I can't change it, then why bother living. Also when other people choose your future for you, it leaves you stuck with that one thing for the rest of your life. Although in the Giver, Jonas' future is decided for him, he has fun. One thing that he doesn't get to do is have a proper life. Jonas doesn't get to have a proper life because in the story all the people's futures are decided and they have no chance to explore. Another reason why I would not like my future to be decided by others is because if they choose for me to work in an office, there are different levels. When I start work, I might be at the bottom and not at the top. What I mean by that is that there are different levels of society. In Ancient Egypt, there are peasants, artisans, scribes, government officials and the pharaoh.

If my future was decided for me, there would be ups and downs. Some of the ups are that you don't have to find a job on your own. One down about that is that when you do find that job, you could be put in a lower level of society then what you should be put in. Also another down about that is that if you are put in a low level of society, then you will get paid the least. The higher up you are in society, the more you will get paid. There are more people at the bottom of the levels and less people are at the top of the levels. Those are some reasons why I would not like to have my future decided for me by the people who control or decide for people.

If my future was decided for me then I would get some friends and did what Martin Luther King did, which was stand up for your rights. I would stand up for my rights even if I knew that I was eventually going to get killed. I would do that because even if I die, I would have probably started the plan before I died. The plan that I would come up with was probably boycott the place we work at. If you are reading this and you are thinking how are they going to survive without money, then here is the answer. I would ask everybody to combine their money so that we could all live on each other. The person who had the most money would have to chip in the most. It would also have to be the other way around. If this plan didn't work, then we would all still be able to survive because he didn't chip all our money. This is what I would do if my future was decided for me.

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